Friday, January 31, 2020

Andrew Cuomo and Nursing Home Deaths: What We Know The New York Times

The Attorney General’s report also noted that New York nursing homes were still required to admit patients even if they had been diagnosed with COVID-19 between March and May 2020. But according to documents and interviews, Ms. DeRosa herself was involved in rewriting the Health Department report months before the Justice Department began seeking information about the administration’s nursing home policy. But, according to two people with knowledge of the discussions over the July report who were interviewed by The Times, Dr. Zucker was aware as early as June that officials in his department believed the data was solid enough to include in the report. State auditors highlighted the level of control over the data exercised by Cuomo, members of his staff within the Executive Chamber and the members of the New York State Interagency Task Force, including former State Health Commissioner Howard Zucker.

new york nursing home deaths

The report adds a new layer to the criticism Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo has faced over the state’s handling of Covid-19 in long-term care facilities. But epidemiologists and academics derided the study for a flawed methodology that sidestepped key questions and relied on selective stats, including the state’s official death toll figures. Additionally, it identifies examples in which nursing home operators reported different information to DOH then to the OAG.

Your County’s Risk

That a late March nursing home admission policy led to thousands of Covid-19 deaths at long-term care facilities, suggesting that coronavirus-related deaths in such facilities were largely driven by community spread from infected staff or visitors. Zucker promised to provide lawmakers the numbers as soon as that doublechecking is complete. The AP has also been denied access to similar nursing home death data despite filing a public records request with the state health department nearly three months ago. Boston University geriatrics expert Thomas Perls said it doesn’t make sense that nursing home resident deaths as a percentage of total deaths in many nearby states are more than triple what was reported in New York. The State Legislature should immediately, as I have been calling for time and time again since July 1, 2020, strip the governor of any and all emergency powers he has exercised for way too long during this pandemic. We should restore our legislative authority and begin to do our jobs in representing the people.

new york nursing home deaths

Additionally, the OAG report found no evidence that any nursing home lacked the ability to care for patients admitted from hospitals (Page 37; Page 72, footnote 45). MFCU is led by Director Amy Held and Assistant Deputy Attorney General Paul J. Mahoney. MFCU is a part of the division for criminal justice, which is led by Chief Deputy Attorney General for Criminal Justice José Maldonado and overseen by First Deputy Attorney General Jennifer Levy.

COVID-19 deaths in NY nursing homes were 50 percent higher than claimed: probe

One of Cuomo’s top aides admitted in February 2021 that the administration delayed the release of nursing home Covid-19 death data, wary of a US Justice Department preliminary inquiry. Cuomo, who was widely lauded in Democratic circles for his leadership in the early days of the pandemic, has since been under significant scrutiny over his administration’s guidance regarding Covid-19 and nursing homes. At the Boropark Center for Rehabilitation and Healthcare, an additional 41 people died in the hospital on top of 32 at the home. The Sheepshead Nursing & Rehabilitation Center had nine deaths in the home, and 50 outside of it. The total number of nursing home patients who died from COVID-19 is now 13,163 with nearly one-third dying in a hospital.

new york nursing home deaths

NEW YORK — Riverdale Nursing Home in the Bronx appears, on paper, to have escaped the worst of the coronavirus pandemic, with an official state count of just four deaths in its 146-bed facility. All of this confirms that many nursing home operators made grave mistakes and were not adequately prepared for this pandemic, and that reforms are needed, which is why we proposed radical reforms to oversight of nursing home facilities in this year's state budget. This is still an ongoing crisis and we will continue deploying every resource possible to ensuring the health and safety of every single New Yorker.

Nursing Home Death Counts

This Cuomo nursing homes policy was enacted in line with federal guidelines to prevent hospitals from being overwhelmed. Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo, once widely celebrated for leading New York out of the coronavirus pandemic’s darkest days, is now embroiled in crisis over how many of the state’s nursing home residents died because of the virus and an apparent effort to hide the true toll. The audit, released Tuesday by State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli, shows nursing home deaths were undercounted by 4,071 during a 10-month period of the pandemic, from April 2020 to February 2021.

The 62 facilities reported 1,266 in-facility deaths to OAG between March 1 and sometime between April 12 to July 19, depending on when the facility responded. For the same time period, the DOH only publicized 1,229 in-facility deaths, a difference of 3%. As the OAG noted, while this discrepancy may seem low, “closer analysis revealed that some facilities reported the location of the person at the time of death inconsistently.” When removing those facilities, the discrepancy jumped to 18.66%. The true number of COVID-19 deaths from New York nursing homes during the state's initial surge could be 56 percent more than what the state health department is reporting, according to a report released Thursday by the state's attorney general. Ultimately, the OAG's report demonstrates that the recurring problems in nursing homes and by facility operators resulted from a complete abdication by the Trump administration of its duty to manage this pandemic.


His mother was never tested for COVID-19, but later died while exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms. Between late March and early April, the facility was so understaffed due to staff quarantining, working from home, and preexisting low staffing, that the onsite management of the entire facility was left in the hands of just two nurse supervisors. During the week of April 5, 33 residents died at that facility, 15% of all its residents. √ Government guidance requiring the admission of COVID-19 patients into nursing homes may have put residents at increased risk of harm in some facilities and may have obscured the data available to assess that risk. The Office of the Attorney General is the only law enforcement agency in the state specifically mandated to investigate and prosecute abuse and neglect of residents in nursing homes.

CNN anchor Chris Cuomo, the host of Cuomo Prime Time, had been subject to a rule that CNN put in place in 2013 that prevented him from interviewing or covering his brother Andrew Cuomo. Cuomo issued an order on March 25, 2020 that all New York State nursing homes must accept residents that are medically stable. The order further stated that "o resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the NH solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19".

Sharon Osbourne seen shopping in first pics since medical emergency

Originally, the Cuomo Administration reported that roughly 9,100 New Yorkers died in nursing homes due to COVID-19. The Attorney General’s report found that over 15,000 died — a significantly higher amount than previously stated. Nursing homes throughout the state of New York failed to act properly in several key areas throughout the pandemic, according to the attorney general’s report. Then, with Mr. Cuomo confronting one of the most serious crises in his time as governor, two former aides accused him of sexual harassment in the workplace. The allegations — and accusations from more women that followed — increased the political pressure further. That pressure grew again with the Assembly’s move to begin an impeachment inquiry.

For weeks, state officials refused to release nursing home numbers, citing concerns about residents' privacy. New York State Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt released a statement that read, “The report released today by the attorney general is confirmation for the thousands of families who lost loved ones to COVID-19 in New York nursing homes. For months, Gov. Cuomo and his administration have refused to be transparent or take any responsibility for actions they have taken during this public health crisis – including the deadly March 25, 2020, order to send COVID-positive patients into nursing homes. In January 2021, Attorney General of New York Letitia James released a report finding that Governor Andrew Cuomo had understated the toll of COVID-19-related deaths in state nursing homes by as much as 50 percent.

New York releases data on COVID deaths at each nursing home

Congressman Chris Jacobs, R-NY-27, said, “Two days ago, Gov. Cuomo callously remarked ‘incompetent government kills.’ Tragically, those words can now clearly be used to describe the actions of his own administration. Gov. Cuomo directly jeopardized the health and safety of thousands of nursing home residents with his directive mandating COVID-positive patients be accepted back. For months, the governor has refused to take responsibility, and his Department of Health commissioner has refused to provide transparent information to elected officials and grieving families. U.S. Representative Elise Stefanik from New York's 21st congressional district called for a federal investigation into the Cuomo administration as early as May 2020. Representative Nicole Malliotakis from New York's 11th congressional district began to circulate a petition calling for Cuomo to resign.

The state's official COVID-19 death count in nursing home is roughly 8,700 right now. A 56 percent increase on that count would bring the total deaths to well over 13,000. A controversial March 25 order to send recovering COVID-19 patients from hospitals into nursing homes that was designed to free up hospital bed space at the height of the pandemic has drawn withering criticism from relatives and patient advocates who contend it accelerated nursing home outbreaks.


His mother was never tested for COVID-19, but later died while exhibiting COVID-19 symptoms. Between late March and early April, the facility was so understaffed due to staff quarantining, working from home, and preexisting low staffing, that the onsite management of the entire facility was left in the hands of just two nurse supervisors. During the week of April 5, 33 residents died at that facility, 15% of all its residents. √ Government guidance requiring the admission of COVID-19 patients into nursing homes may have put residents at increased risk of harm in some facilities and may have obscured the data available to assess that risk. The Office of the Attorney General is the only law enforcement agency in the state specifically mandated to investigate and prosecute abuse and neglect of residents in nursing homes.

The staggering toll is one of the most tragic aspects of the pandemic in New York and in nursing homes and senior care centers across the country. A report by the New York State Health Department listed 55 deaths presumably caused by the coronavirus at the facility since the outbreak began, the highest toll at any senior care center in New York. The New York attorney general on Thursday accused the state of drastically undercounting Covid-19 deaths in nursing homes, saying in a stinging new rebuke of Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration that the official tally of about 8,500 may be off by as much as 50 percent. During the initial outset of the pandemic, Cuomo received accolades for his response to COVID-19. His name was floated as a possible replacement of Joe Biden as the 2020 Democratic presidential nominee due to his newfound popularity.

Undercounting deaths

For weeks, state officials refused to release nursing home numbers, citing concerns about residents' privacy. New York State Senate Republican Leader Rob Ortt released a statement that read, “The report released today by the attorney general is confirmation for the thousands of families who lost loved ones to COVID-19 in New York nursing homes. For months, Gov. Cuomo and his administration have refused to be transparent or take any responsibility for actions they have taken during this public health crisis – including the deadly March 25, 2020, order to send COVID-positive patients into nursing homes. In January 2021, Attorney General of New York Letitia James released a report finding that Governor Andrew Cuomo had understated the toll of COVID-19-related deaths in state nursing homes by as much as 50 percent.

Cuomo's office said Thursday the state followed federal guidance when issuing its order on nursing homes. And there were 32 residents of the Parker Jewish Institute for Healthcare and Rehabilitation in Queens who died at the hospital in addition to 83 at the home. Information for the Bronxcare Special Care Center had previously shown only eight COVID-19 deaths.

Your County’s Risk

Around the same time, he was celebrating the state’s initial success in controlling the virus’s spread after a devastating spring during which tens of thousands of people died. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been looking into whether Mr. Cuomo and his aides provided false data on resident deaths to the Justice Department, according to people with knowledge of the investigation. For months, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has defended himself against criticism of his administration’s handling of the coronavirus in nursing homes. The audit also stated “persistent underinvestment” in public health over the past decade may have hindered the DOH’s ability to prepare and respond to infectious disease outbreaks at the nursing homes. But Bill Hammond, the Empire Center’s senior fellow for health policy, said the information put out by the DOH Saturday was a small fraction of what it had requested.

In light of these revelations, New Yorkers are furious at both Cuomo and negligent nursing homes. The lawmaker, Assemblyman Ron Kim, a Queens Democrat, had said he believed the administration was “trying to dodge having any incriminating evidence” when it withheld the data. Mr. Cuomo is now in the most turbulent period of his three terms in office, his political future clouded as New York continues to grapple with the virus and the economic toll it has taken. Dozens of current and former employees of the governor’s office during Mr. Cuomo’s tenure have also described it more broadly as a chaotic and unprofessional workplace that was particularly toxic for young women. The acting executive deputy commissioner of the DOH disagreed with the report in a 13-page response, which was also included in the audit. New York Gov. Kathy Hochul’s office referred CNN to the DOH’s response to the audit.

New York undercounted nursing home deaths by as much 50 percent, report finds

New York’s coronavirus death toll in nursing homes, already among the highest in the nation, could actually be a significant undercount. Unlike every other state with major outbreaks, New York only counts residents who died on nursing home property and not those who were transported to hospitals and died there. It is worth noting that there remain 13 states that report no information on nursing home fatalities and only nine states, including New York, report nursing home fatalities that are “presumed” COVID and not confirmed COVID. DOH has consistently found numerous inaccuracies when examining unverified data and, as a result, months ago DOH began an audit of fatality numbers reported by nursing homes to ensure public release of these statistics were accurate. This audit found entries where a deceased individual was listed as dying both in a hospital and in a nursing home, duplicate entries, and entries where the individual had no name or listed a date of death in a facility before they had been admitted, and other issues that suggested inaccurate data inputs. Over the past months, DOH contacted numerous individual facilities to resolve these discrepancies.

new york nursing home deaths

Attorney Seth DuCharme of the Eastern District of New York and the Federal Bureau of Investigation had launched an investigation into New York state's handling of nursing home deaths. The Eastern District is handling the investigation because Audrey Strauss, the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District, is the mother-in-law of Cuomo aide Melissa DeRosa, meaning that Strauss would have to recuse herself from any involvement in the investigation. During his confirmation for the position of U.S. attorney general, Merrick Garland said "ith all of these investigations, the Justice Department is open to evidence of fraud, false statements, violations of the law," in regards to the federal investigation into Cuomo and his administration.

Attorney general on nursing homes: Investigations reveal DOH publicly reported data undercounted COVID-19 deaths

The nurses are beginning to vote on whether to authorize a strike if a new agreement is not reached. An earlier version of this article misstated the formula for case fatality rate. It is the number of deaths divided by the number of cases, not the number of cases divided by the number of deaths. At NYU Langone Health, chief hospital epidemiologist Dr. Michael Phillips said a growing number of seniors are being admitted to his hospital with COVID-19.

new york nursing home deaths

For example, I have been asking the Health Department for months for a basic breakdown of how coronavirus deaths are being recorded and have yet to receive a response to my repeated inquiries. I hope that my legislative colleagues take action now to remove these governor’s extraordinary powers and schedule appropriate hearings immediately using subpoena power, if necessary, to get answers that have been dodged for so many months. OAG received reports that nursing homes did not properly screen staff members before allowing them to enter the facility to work with residents. Among those reports, OAG received an allegation that a for-profit nursing home north of New York City failed to consistently conduct COVID-19 employee screening. He claimed that New York state did not cover-up the number of deaths in nursing homes, but acknowledged that officials should have released the information earlier.

It also recommends the governor’s office assess and document its internal control environment at the health department and take steps to ensure cooperation with local officials, state oversight inquires and external reporting. There was no immediate response from Gov. Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat whose pandemic response has been widely praised but who has also been criticized for waiting until May to reverse a state policy that required long-term care facilities to accept recovering patients who may still test positive for Covid-19. New York state finally released fatality data for individual nursing homes, painting a much grimmer picture of the toll taken by the COVID-19 virus. The New York Times is tracking the coronavirus at nursing homes and long-term care centers. “I’m concerned about the uptick in hospitalizations and deaths among seniors, and concerned about the lack of urgency at my mother’s nursing home in getting the residents and staff vaccinated" with the latest booster, she said.

new york nursing home deaths

Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration has been accused of deliberately obscuring the full scope of nursing home deaths in New York. People can get Legionnaires’ disease when they breathe in water vapor containing the Legionella bacteria, which grows in wet environments including hot tubs, fountains and cooling towers. Deaths attributed to Legionnaires' are rare, but the risk is higher for older populations such as nursing home residents.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Starting Your Own Dog Home Boarding Business The Right Way

Having insurance for your dog sitting business is very important as it is compulsory that businesses in the United States of America get insurance policies. Your insurance policies will cover whatever incident that occurs during the course of dog sitting. Also, most clients only prefer to work with dog sitters who have their insurance policies in place. If you intend buying a franchise, you should conduct a thorough investigation that will allow you know about the company you intend buying from so as not to waste your money buying a franchise that will not pay you in the long run.

how to start a home dog boarding business

The kennel may offer a variety of services such as bathing, grooming, and obedience training services. The kennel may also offer doggie daycare services, where owners may drop their dogs off in the morning and pick them up in the evening. The pet boarding industry can also take advantage of premium offerings to deliver pets, and their owners truly unique, desirable service. Luxuries like extra-large kennels, furnishings that resemble the comforts you’d find in a house, and indulgences like special toys and gourmet treats all make a pet’s stay more enjoyable. These premium offerings create an upselling opportunity and can increase a business’s profits. When a boarding business offers these unique perks, pet owners may be more likely to use the business again in the future, which builds customer loyalty.

Best Dogs for Seniors and How They Benefit the Elderly

Dog sitting is a service oriented business that requires first of all, a love for dogs. If you do not love dogs, you would not be able to start this business. Starting a successful dog daycare and boarding business is not easy, but it is doable, and if you start it right then you will experience a lot less stress in the future. Your price structure will depend on your location, as different markets might charge different amounts of money to customers for the same services. So do your research into what other local dog boarding facilities are charging.

A report in January 2015, found that 39 percent of those who owned dogs were dogs from age 7 and above. You will only get business if you can assure potential clients that their dog will be as safe as possible. Be sure that windows are secured and/or well-screened to avoid accidental falls. Have a fully stocked first aid kit visible so that clients can see you take their dog’s health and safety seriously. A little paint, a fresh-cut lawn, and a well-made fence go a long way in making potential clients feel secure.

Pet Care Financing for Your Customers

Pet hotel may come into your mind when you want to board your pets, cats or dogs during Holiday. Most Pet hotel will put your pets in a cage or kennel, some have better facilities like dog pools and pet playgroud. Pet Parents are welcomed to book a personalized home pet boarding similar to pet hotel but 24 hour care with some of the home dog boarding facilities providing home cooked pet food with fresh vegetables and meats. Pet Lover can also register as Pet Sitter to take care of cat or dog thus providing Cage free Home Pet hotel or Dog boarding, not just pet hotel with cage or small container. When starting a dog boarding business, you should have the proper skills, experience, and education to work with animals. Specifically, this means knowing how to provide care for the types of pets you’ll be offering services for, pet first aid experience, customer service, and management experience.

how to start a home dog boarding business

You can start by doing some research on the industry and learning about the different aspects of running a boarding business. Additionally, you can reach out to experienced dog boarding business owners for advice and mentorship. Finally, you can start small and gradually grow your business as you gain experience. A sole proprietorship is a business entity in which the pet boarding business owner and the business are the same legal person.

What license do I need to board dogs?

Pet boarding businesses provide attentive care for pets while their owners aren’t able to care for them. Pet owners put their pets into boarding while they’re traveling, often for work or while on vacation. In most cases, boarding facilities mainly care for cats and dogs, but some facilities may offer care for small animals, too. These services may be for doggie daycare while the owner is at work, or extended stays can last for weeks or months. When starting a dog boarding business, you’ll need to take specific steps, such as conducting market research, figuring out business-related costs, creating a plan, applying for licenses and permits, and marketing your services. However, despite steep startup costs and meticulous planning, a dog boarding business can be a rewarding career for any animal lover.

There are no companies in this industry with a dominant market share according to IBISWorld. The industry is valued at $8 billion and has seen a 9 percent growth between the periods of 2011 to 2016. There are more than 110,000 kennel businesses employing more than 194,000 people in the united states. Weekend hours tend to vary, and some kennels offer to pick up and drop off services by appointment or during limited hours. A few kennels even offer a shuttle that will pick up or drop off a pet for an additional fee. An S Corporation is a type of corporation that provides its owners with limited liability protection and allows them to pass their business income through to their personal income tax returns, thus avoiding double taxation.

Dog Dementia Breeds: Are Some Dog Breeds Prone to Dementia?

It is imperative that you conduct a market survey before deciding what marketing strategies would be very effective for your dog sitting business. The market survey will allow you to understand your target market and know what they expect from you. Marketing your business is very important as this is where you would generate the revenue that will grow and sustain your business.

how to start a home dog boarding business

More than 5 pet lovers will send you a message within minutes to a few hours with their quote and details. There are a number of people that you would require especially if you intend to run your dog sitting business on a large scale and they are; chief executive officer , manager, supervisor, front desk officer and dog walkers. To be able to run your dog sitting business successfully and to a certain standard, you would require at least 6 key people. The Limited Liability Company is one that is a hybrid of the partnership kind of legal entity and the corporation kind of legal entity. The LLC is regarded by law as an entity that is different from the owners just like a corporation; however, it enjoys the tax benefits that those in a partnership legal structure do. The LLC is also very okay for entrepreneurs that intend to run their business on a medium to large scale and employ as many people as possible.

The most effective way to determine a pricing structure is to call your competition and see what rates they are currently charging for similar kennel services. The cost varies widely based on what part of the country a daycare is located in, the type of boarding enclosure requested, and the specific services offered as part of the package. Premium services tend to be available at an additional cost when requested. If you followed the steps above, you should be in a great position to build a successful business. Below are answers to frequently asked questions that might further help you. Next you need to choose a legal structure for your dog boarding business and register it and your business name with the Secretary of State in each state where you operate your business.

how to start a home dog boarding business

Others are in-home businesses that treat your dog like a member of their own family. When you book and pay via PetBacker, PetBacker protects you and your pet with payment protection, pet injury insurance, GPS dog walk reports, daily photo and video reports to ensure a job well done. Reviews by previous pet owners after job completion are transparent to help with your hiring decision. PetBacker is available in Amsterdam, Amsterdã, Amsterdão, as well as having a presence in 50 other countries for pet lovers to share their love for pets and to hire trusted Pet Sitters with millions of nights stayed. Pet stays via PetBacker get a cage free, loving home environment and are protected by insurance with a world class support team at your side.

The owner of a sole proprietorship is responsible for all debts and obligations of the business. There are no formalities required to establish a sole proprietorship, and it is easy to set up and operate. The main advantage of a sole proprietorship is that it is simple and inexpensive to establish. The main disadvantage is that the owner is liable for all debts and obligations of the business. Before starting your dog sitting business, you need to conduct thorough feasibility studies as this will help you determine if this business is something you should consider investing your time and money in.

how to start a home dog boarding business

Pet owners are still traveling a lot with 78 percent of the population in the United States taking a vacation in 2014. Asides from the experience and knowledge of drugs, it is essential that you strike a relationship with local veterinary clinics so that should there be any medical issues regarding the dogs, you can get emergency vet services. There are also membership groups for kennel owners that offer industry-specific training and education programs. Speak with your local government to see if there are any extra building precautions that you'll need to take as well. For example, you may be required to put in an extra high fence or one that reduces sound.

Therefore if you are looking to define the demographic of your business, you should try not to be limited to just a few set of people as there are a whole lot of people that you should take into consideration. Also, the income level of those who demand these services are from middle to high income brackets. Asides from taking care of yourself, your facility has to be in good condition as you have to ensure that the kennels and fences are in good conditions at all times. Running this business alone can be tasking which is why it is necessary that you hire others who are in line with your goals and aspirations.

how to start a home dog boarding business

Thirdly, humans are beginning to bond more with their dogs, which is another cause for the increase in spending. The above trends show why there have been an increased spending for pets by the owners. Customer service skills.Great customer service will help a business to stand out. Business owners with customer service experience and talents can build customer loyalty. After coming up with the idea, the next step in starting your business should be to write a business plan.

Start a Dog Daycare and Boarding Business From Home Your Dog's Health Matters

As for operational costs, rent of a 3000 sq ft land will be upwards of INR 1 lakh per month. Electricity and water bills can amount to about INR 20,000 per month and grocery for dog's food will be INR 7,000-10,000 per month. Next major chunk of your operating costs will be on staffing, which will be around INR 70,000 for 2 assistants and 2 people who will handle office work. Of course, if you handle the office work yourself, you can save on this cost to a great extent.

You want to be in an area where there are many dog owners, but you don't want to be too close to any competing boarding facilities. All you have to do is build a few kennels, advertise, and the dogs will start showing up. Then you just feed them, walk them, and clean up after them for a few days until their owners return and you get paid! These types of facilities can range from luxurious pet “hotels” and “spas” to indoor and outdoor no-frills-type boarding. Some boarding facilities pair with dog groomers and other canine service providers to pamper and spoil your pet while you're away.

TOP #26: Who Benefits from Homemade Dog Food the Most

To run a boarding kennel or cattery, you need a licence from the local authority. The number of dogs and cats that may be accommodated will be specified on the licence along with other specific conditions. This group is also expected to be the dominant force behind seeking high premium products for their pets. Most of these premium products fall into categories of food, toys, organic and natural treats, luxury services, prescription medications as well as high-tech medical therapies. The reason why spending has increased is because pet ownership increased in the United States of America between the period of 2009 and 2013, which means that there was a 3 percent increase between these time periods.

how to start a home dog boarding business

Also, networking with local pet stores, trainers, veterinarians, dog walkers, andgroomerscan be beneficial as a referral source for boarding. Even networking with competing dog boarding facilities can be beneficial as they can refer their customers to other facilities when they are fully booked. A pet boarding business needs to be designed to be a pet’s home away from home. This includes having appropriate kennels for different types of pets and an outdoor space where dogs can exercise. Boarding business owners or staff care for pets multiple times a day and need to be skilled enough to handle pets with different temperaments and training. The issue of how to start a dog boarding business is closely related to deciding on the right pricing policy for your dog daycare services.

Pros and Cons of Inbreeding Dogs

Spending for pets saw a 12 percent increase between the periods of 2014 and 2015, as pet owners spent almost $5.41 billion on services that were related to pets. As the market for pets, its products and services grow, the industry is expected to generate more than $91 billion in revenue by the year 2019. In order to maximize the opportunities in this industry, most pet companies are using the current trends as well as the emerging trends in order to make forecast for future markets. You should have at least some form of a rudimentary business plan for your dog business.

If you want to set up a separate legal entity, you should opt for a corporation. Unlike a sole proprietor, a corporation owner can’t be held personally liable for debts or lawsuits. In every business, it is important that the thought of how revenue will be generated should not be taken lightly as this is the aim of starting a business in the first place. Indoor kennel businesses require a permit from the Department of Animal Care & Control. Outdoor animal boarding facilities require a permit from the City Planning Commission and Building & Safety. Additionally, you can go on your trip without worry as all dog boarding bookings on PetBacker are covered by our premium insurance and 24-hour customer support team.

How Can You Tell if a Dog is Aggressive

You may also consider offering multiple animal discounts, reduced rates for your “frequent flyers” who visit every month, and referral bonus programs . Management Team – this section details the background of your company’s management team. Competitive Analysis – here you will document the key direct and indirect competitors you will face and how you will build competitive advantage. Depending on the stage of life you're in, there are certain breeds that will fit you, or someone you know, better. The guilt of leaving your dog home alone is real, especially when you are a working pet parent!

how to start a home dog boarding business

The best dog boarding sitter is one who is known as absolute animal lover. Depending on the size of your business and number of employees (if any!) dog walking could be part of the overall agreement. If you’re not able to walk dogs safely, at least offer a safe, gated yard big enough for adequate exercise.

Below you will learn the keys to launching a successful dog boarding business. Consult with a commercial insurance agent too, and take out a liability insurance policy and establish a plan for emergency veterinary care should an animal suffer a medical emergency. If you're planning to run your business out of your home, you'll need more than just your homeowners insurance to protect you, your home, and your assets. We find that well-socialized dogs do enjoy their stay of up to 30 days. If you feel you must board your dog for 30 days or more, discuss your needs with your boarding kennel.

Procedures and policies to establish within your dog daycare and dog boarding business before any pet owners can trust you with their fur baby. This includes dog training, dog boarding and dog daycare, and other related services such as dog walking or pet sitting. Once you’ve determined that you’re ready to start your own dog boarding business, it’s time to get to work. And a great plan will help guide you through the entire process, as you’ll know what you need to do in order to make your dreams of working in the pet care industry a reality. A pet boarding business’s revenue will depend on many factors, like the business’s location, competition, services provided, and profit margins. According to PayScale,dog kennel ownersmake an average of $50,868 per year, though that income ranges from as low as $20,000 to as high as $122,000.

If you need more convincing regarding the dog sitting business you intend to start up, this article is sure to help you with that. Consider whether you’ll be a business, a sole proprietorship, a limited liability company or something else altogether. The corporation can be a good choice to minimize liability risk because it separates the business assets from the owner’s assets. If the corporation is sued or certain business debts can’t be paid back, the owners aren’t personally responsible to repay them.

how to start a home dog boarding business

Not only does the name have to resonate with your customers, but it also has to be available to use. Our work is reader-supported, meaning that we may earn a commission from the products and services mentioned. Her career began in 2003 when she started as an investment banking analyst.

Angel investors are individuals who provide capital to early-stage businesses. Angel investors typically will invest in a dog boarding business that they believe has high potential for growth. A partnership is a legal structure that is popular among small businesses. It is an agreement between two or more people who want to start a dog boarding business together. Executive Summary – this section should summarize your entire business plan so readers can quickly understand the key details of your dog boarding business.

how to start a home dog boarding business

Location can be a key factor, like proximity to an airport or densely populated area will bring a greater volume of business. There are various types of insurance that are necessary to operate an animal shelter business. Once you’ve been approved for a business credit card, you’ll be able to use it to make purchases for your business. You can also use it to build your credit history which could be very important in securing loans and getting credit lines for your business in the future. If you’d like to quickly and easily complete your business plan, download Growthink’s Ultimate Business Plan Template and complete your business plan and financial model in hours.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Baby Gender Prediction, How to Predict Baby's Sex?

When the expectant mother fell asleep, one person would pour salt on her head so discreetly that she could not feel it. The next day, they’d wait to hear the first name that came out of the woman’s mouth. When you are pregnant and having excess weight gain around the stomach area you must know it is a girl and when the stomach looks tiny less-weighted it would be boy.

home remedies for baby gender prediction

They also make a great addition to your medicine chest or pantry. While home remedies can be effective for a particular condition, they are not recommended for everyone. You should check with your doctor before trying any home remedy. You should always check to see if your symptoms are getting worse or better. Even if symptoms are temporary, it is important to see a doctor if they persist. Symptoms of a specific disease can worsen without the help of a doctor.

You are having a girl if:

A qualified herbal practitioner will not only help you determine which herbs and plants are best for you, but also trace the origin of these products. People with cancer should not use herbal remedies. You should consult your doctor before you try any herbal remedies. The last thing you want is to stop your cancer treatment. You should seek the advice of a qualified practitioner before you try herbal medicines.

home remedies for baby gender prediction

They treat an increasingly wide range of aches and pains, manage recurring conditions, and prevent disease. Common OTC drugs include pain relievers, antihistamines, cough suppressants, and laxatives. Many of these OTC drugs can be safely and effectively used according to their directions. Here are some tips for safely using OTC medications. The salts are gentle enough to be used by everyone of all ages and are suitable for many health problems.

Natural Cures For All Diseases – Top Five Home Remedies For Common Illnesses

It's healthy and normal for a pregnant woman to gain weight, but has your partner been packing on the pounds? Some cultures believe if the dad is experiencing morning sickness too, you're expecting a boy. According to the Mayans, gender prediction comes down to calendars and basic math. Just take a look at how old you were when you conceived and the year it happened. If both numbers are either odd or even, you're carrying a girl. If one is odd and the other is even, it's a baby boy.

home remedies for baby gender prediction

If you are getting very worse and regular sickness, then most probably it is a girl. In those 9 months, if you had no such morning sickness or very fewer ones then it could be a boy. However, herbal medicines may come with many risks. The active ingredients vary from herbal remedy to herbal medicine. Some could contain illegal substances, or toxic herbs. To make sure you are buying safe products, consult a qualified herbal practitioner.

Particular Food Cravings:

They don’t have it all the time, and blackouts have become a normal part of daily life. Well, the mother must chop up the cabbage and boil it for 10 minutes and then remove it from the pot. For this test, you have to save the water which was earlier used for cabbage boiling; let it cool a bit and mix it with your urine.

If the urine fizzes, it means you get a boy; meanwhile, no reaction means it’s a girl. Similar to the Mayan test, the consultation with the online Chinese gender prediction test will give you an insight into the gender of your fetus. If one number is even and the other one is odd, well you’re carrying a boy. If both numbers are either odd or even, then you’re pregnant with a girl.

You can’t stand your favorite foods

To try out this super-popular gender test at home, mix equal parts first morning urine and baking soda and watch how it reacts. If it fizzes, you could be pregnant with a boy, but if it doesn’t react, there’s a good chance it’s a girl . Another method is to observe the formation of the skin outside the mount of Mercury when the mother clenches her right fist. Also, you could observe the horizontal lines there. It’s said the long and deep line indicates boy and shallow one girl.

Look into your eyes for about a minute to see if your pupils are dilating. If they are, it means there’s a high chance you’re having a baby boy. Another fun gender predictor method is the ring test. If the color of urine is dark you are carrying a baby boy. Every new mom knows this fact that morning sickness is the prior symptom of pregnancy and most of the women feel this during pregnancy. Unfortunately, the results of the baking soda gender test are only accurate about half of the time — no more accurate than a coin toss.

To do it, tie a string to your wedding ring, then lie down on your back and have your partner hold the ring by the string over your belly. Legends says if the ring swings in a circle, you’re having a girl. But if it swings back and forth, then you’re about to become a boy mom.

home remedies for baby gender prediction

According to one Chinese gender test, your fetus is a boy if his right hand pushes on the left side of your belly after the seventh month. In some parts of the southern United States, people believe if you ovulate from the left ovary it's a girl, while an egg from the right ovary makes a boy. The necklace gender test is nearly identical to the ring test, only you perform this one on your wrist. To take this test, use a necklace instead of a ring on a string. Place your arm on a table or another flat surface with your wrist facing up.

Morning sickness

If you are craving for sweets, then most probably you are carrying a baby boy. Ring test for baby genderThis is one of the most accurate ways to predict baby gender. You need to get a ring , tie it to a thread and make it swing over the pregnant belly.

home remedies for baby gender prediction

Just take these two gender prediction quizzes to find out the gender of your baby. Similar to the Ramzi theory, the Skull Theory for baby gender prediction requires a closer look at one of your scan photos to try and determine if you are having a boy or girl. You can try the Nub Theory for yourself once you have your 12-week ultrasound picture.

Cryptic Pregnancy: I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant

If you’re craving sweets then you’ve got a girl on the way. If you’re craving salty foods, then you’re pregnant with a boy. Some people think that if you develop a linea nigra, it can help you predict your baby's gender. Apparently, if it extends from your navel downwards towards your pubic bone then you’re more likely to have a girl.

home remedies for baby gender prediction

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Also known as Ramzi’s method, this baby gender predictor claims to be able to determine if your baby is a boy or girl by as early as six weeks. For this method of baby gender prediction you use a 2D ultrasound picture to see which side the placenta is on. Depending on whether the placenta is on the left or the right will suggest what sex your baby is. If you’re using an online Chinese gender predictor tool, all you have to do is enter your age at conception and the month you conceived. The software will then convert the variables into lunar calendar dates and tell you whether you’re carrying a baby boy or girl.

home remedies for baby gender prediction

Food cravings are not the sign of what you are having inside the womb. The heart rate between 120 to 160bpm is a normal recorded rate in the fetal. Scientists used to think that a woman's immune system had to be repressed during pregnancy. But new research shows that the tale is more complex. Is it a good idea to get a tattoo while pregnant or breastfeeding?

Chinese gender prediction chart

The sex refers to their genetic and biological makeup, whereas gender refers to social and cultural differences that develop over time. The baking soda gender test is an at-home method that involves combining a pregnant woman’s urine with baking soda to see if it fizzes. Whether or not the urine fizzes is supposed to determine whether the baby is male or female. These are obviously just for fun and not proven scientifically accurate. If you really want to know the sex of your baby, you can either get the blood test done early, or wait until your 20-week anatomy scan to see if baby is a boy or a girl. Several pregnancy message boards suggested trying a garlic test to determine the sex of your baby.

home remedies for baby gender prediction

Combining baking soda with a mother’s urine is said by some to reveal an unborn baby’s gender. We believe in providing insightful, well-curated, and easy-to-read content for our parents and to-be-parents. With a rich experience in pregnancy and parenting, our team of experts create content beneficial for parents at all stages of parenting. We understand our readers’ requirements and strive to provide a one-stop solution for everything a Being The Parent needs. We understand our readers' requirements and strive to provide a one-stop solution for everything a Being The Parent needs.Read more. Baby gender predictor tests are a fun way to try and guess if you are having a boy or a girl before your 20-week scan.

Scientific Ways to Predict Baby's Gender

Some also believed that if at the hour of conception, none of the partners felt affectionate to each other, they were expecting a girl with a bitter disposition. Don’t be too hard on yourself and start thinking that you’re among the women who don’t enjoy the joy of pregnancy because there’s a goodexplanationof what you’re going through. The squeamishness feeling you get, according to researchers, is your body’s way of protecting your fetus by making you stay away from any harmful substances. So the next time your favorite ice cream flavor revolts you, just think it’s the best for your little guy.

home remedies for baby gender prediction

There are many old wives tales and other predicting methods, to predict the baby gender; whether it is a boy or a girl. Philadelphia, the city known for its health and medicine, was the birthplace of medical science. It was here that home remedies and medical science were developed. Home remedies have been used by many Philadelphian cultures to heal themselves. These home remedies have helped preserve domestic healthcare traditions and support alternative medicine and mainstream science. It is not possible to trace the history of each home remedy, but manuscripts and printed sources can provide clues about early medical worldviews.

The Red Cabbage Gender Test

So, with my first pregnancy it predicted a girl and sure enough, I ended up with a beautiful baby girl! This time, it’s predicting a boy and I’m excited to see if I’ll have a boy or not.Has anyone ever used this method and was it correct? Food cravings in pregnancyIn the mid-set of pregnancy, many woman feel food cravings. Some feel to eat sour and pickles, whereas many prefer and likes sweets and desserts.

home remedies for baby gender prediction

The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. For this one, you'll need access to a garden and a tolerance for bodily fluid. If the ears of corn that grow are black, it looks like a boy is on the way. Does it feel like your face is getting rounder by the hour? According to this traditional Latin American belief, you should get ready for a daughter. If your face is unchanged, but your behind is growing big and round, you'll have a son.

Chinese birth chart baby gender predictor

While some parents want to feel the surprise at the delivery day, others are super excited when coming to figuring out the gender of the baby they are carrying. If this old-fashioned gender test is to be believed, a little boy will show interest in your pregnant belly if you're having a girl. If he doesn't seem interested, you're having a boy. Please specify a reason for deleting Chinese gender predictor from the community. Note that once you confirm, this action cannot be undone.

If you are craving for sweets, then most probably you are carrying a baby boy. Ring test for baby genderThis is one of the most accurate ways to predict baby gender. You need to get a ring , tie it to a thread and make it swing over the pregnant belly.

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The lines of children are the upright lines below the base of little finger and above the marriage line. The deep lines indicate the birth of male children while the short and shallow lines suggest the birth of female children. In this way, we saw the five easy tricks for guessing the baby gender. If you too are expecting, then must give this a try. Health, Nutrition and Wellbeing in a simple and accessible language. Useful information about remedies, diseases, examinations and treatments based on traditional and alternative medicine.

home remedies for baby gender prediction

Remember, TLC is just as important as taking OTC drugs. Get plenty of rest to avoid dehydration and cough. Drinking a hot tea with honey can soothe a sore throat. Schuessler Salts, unlike other treatments, work through biochemical mechanisms to support the functions of the human body. They restore mineral balance in cells which is essential for proper body function.

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